Sunday, March 18, 2012

This has been a really difficult week for me and my family.  We did not go to church last Sunday because we were all feeling a little under the weather.  We spent the day before out in the cold and rain for a cub scout fish and fun day.  It was an okay day.  I enjoyed spending time with my son and husband.  I think my son enjoyed it the most because he was kept busy with all the scout activities.  He ate Indian Fry Bread, through hatchets, did some fishing and tons of other activities.

On Tuesday I was flying to Philly for a business trip so I spent Monday packing and getting ready for the trip.  We went out to dinner and when we came home we found our Scottish Terrier, Rhys had died in our absence. He was old and we knew it was coming, but it was painful for all of us.  This is the third pet we have that has die in my son's 9-year-old lifetime and he has taken each of them very hard.  It broke my hard to see his pain and know that there was nothing I could do to make it better.  And at the same time my heart was breaking because of Rhys' death.  He was our baby for 12 years and we were all very attached to him.  To make matters worse I was leaving first thing in the morning and could not be there for my family as they buried and grieved for Rhys.

I left on Tuesday feeling miserable from lack of sleep (it was almost midnight when we got my son calmed down and to sleep), grieving over the loss of a dear friend and feeling guilty over leaving my family at such a time.  The conference went well and I learned a lot, but did not sleep well most of the week.  On Friday night I went out to dinner with a group of friends and they started talking about and sharing photos of their pets.  I joined in and told several endearing stories about Rhys and found this to be very cathartic.  It was better knowing that even though he wouldn't be with us in the future, he had touched our lives in some many ways and I had wonderful memories.  He is gone but not forgotten and I know that is a cliche but it is so true.

Unfortunately we didn't make it to church this morning because I was so exhausted from my trip and lack of sleep that I way overslept.  We will make it to church next Sunday no excuses allowed.  That is where we belong and I owe my son the opportunity to be raised in the church and in fellowship with other Christians.

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